Curating Design & Culture

There is a growing body of expertise in the field of curating within the School of Design at Glasgow School of Art. Research active staff are responsible for significant curatorial projects that draw upon original research and are informed by the history of curating and museology; discourse on contemporary curating and archives; and innovations in display to inform the aims and outcomes of their exhibitions. Subject specialisms include fashion, textiles, ceramics, interiors, and digital exhibitions as well as Scottish cultural, social and design history. The researchers involved in this cluster work with partners in the private and public sector as well as individual practitioners. In addition to the development of exhibitions that draw upon archives, researchers in the cluster have expertise in commissioning new work that explore the themes of their exhibitions and that engage with the discourse on contemporary curating and museology.

The aims of the cluster are to reflect upon and formalise the expertise of its members at an institutional level; to share ideas for individual and group projects; to provide a critical forum to test out potential projects; to identify suitable funding streams and make individual and joint applications; and to pool our expertise and support each other in these endeavours.

Fiona Anderson, Lecturer Design History & Theory
Helena Britt, Textiles Programme Leader
Esther Draycott, Early Career Researcher
Fiona Jardine, Lecturer Design History & Theory
Mairi MacKenzie, Research Fellow
Mhari McMullan, Early Career Researcher
Katy West, CSC Academic Coordinator

Dressing Above Your Station: Fashion and textiles in the Life and Work of the Artist Steven Campbell
Tramway (Virtual), 2021
Curated by Mairi MacKenzie and Beca Lipscombe
Digital image ISOdesign